Cartan Subgroups¶
When we give atlas a specific Lie group \(G\), the software knows
several characteristics of the group. And depending on what you ask
about \(G\), atlas
will provide more information:
atlas> G:=SL(2,R)
Value: connected split real group with Lie algebra 'sl(2,R)'
atlas> H:=PSL(2,R)
Value: disconnected split real group with Lie algebra 'sl(2,R)'
Recall that \(H\cong SO(2,1)\).
Now, one of the main structural facts about a group is what its Cartan subgroups are. For that we can type the following sequence of commands:
atlas> nr_of_Cartan_classes (G)
Value: 2
atlas> set cartans =Cartan_classes (G)
Identifier cartans: [CartanClass]
atlas> #cartans
Value: 2
atlas> set T=cartans[0]
Identifier T: CartanClass
atlas> T
Value: Cartan class #0, occurring for 2 real forms and for 1 dual real form
atlas> print_Cartan_info (T)
compact: 1, complex: 0, split: 0
canonical twisted involution: e
twisted involution orbit size: 1; fiber size: 2; strong inv: 2
imaginary root system: A1
real root system: empty
complex factor: empty
Wich gives us the number of conjugacy classes of Cartan subgroups of \(G\)
and choosing one of those subgroups atlas gives more information about
the Cartan subgroup. The function print_Cartan_info
takes a Cartan class in
\(G\) and provides the basic structural data of any representative
in the Cartan class.
So this says that the first Cartan subgroup is a real cartan subgroup, meaning
a connected complex torus defined over \(\mathbb R\). So, its real
points form a real torus which can be written as a product of
\((S^1)^a\), \(({\mathbb C}^{\times })^b\) and
\(({\mathbb R}^{\times })^c\) factors. So, atlas gives the numbers
. In this case the first Cartan subgroup has just a=1
factor, b=0
complex factors and c=0
real factors.
It also tells us the type of roots it has: imaginary, complex or
real. Since the Cartan subgroup is compact, we only have imaginary roots. And
these roots form a system of type A1
Note that we also see that this Cartan subgroup occurs in different real forms
of complex groups of type A1
. The information about twisted involutions will be discussed later.
Now for information about the second Cartan subgroup:
atlas> set A=cartans[1]
Identifier A: CartanClass
atlas> A
Value: Cartan class #1, occurring for 1 real form and for 2 dual real forms
atlas> print_Cartan_info (A)
compact: 0, complex: 0, split: 1
canonical twisted involution: 1
twisted involution orbit size: 1; fiber size: 1; strong inv: 1
imaginary root system: empty
real root system: A1
complex factor: empty
Here, the Cartan subgroup has just 1 copy of \({\mathbb R}^{\times }\) and
no complex or circle factors. And it just has real roots of type
. We will discuss later the information about involutions.
In contrast, the group \(SL(2,\mathbb C)\) has only one conjugacy class of cartans:
atlas> set G2=SL(2,C)
Identifier G2: RealForm (hiding previous one of type string)
atlas> nr_of_Cartan_classes (G2)
Value: 1
atlas> set cartans =Cartan_classes (G2)
Identifier cartans: [CartanClass] (hiding previous one of type [CartanClass])
atlas> cartans[0]
Value: Cartan class #0, occurring for 1 real form and for 1 dual real form
atlas> print_Cartan_info (cartans[0])
compact: 0, complex: 1, split: 0
canonical twisted involution: e
twisted involution orbit size: 2; fiber size: 1; strong inv: 2
imaginary root system: empty
real root system: empty
complex factor: A1
Now for a larger group like \(Sp(4,\mathbb R)\), for example, we
will have a compact cartan which is a product of two circles and all
its roots are imaginary; a split cartan, that is, a product of
\(({\mathbb R}^{\times })×({\mathbb R}^{\times })\) with all roots
real; and two intermediate cartans; one complex isomorphic to
\({\mathbb C}^{\times }\). This is sometimes called the short root
Cartan. This is the one associated to a Levi factor \(Gl(2)\).
Finally, the other Cartan subgroup is isomorphic to
\(S^1×{\mathbb R}^{\times }\). The distinction between these two
Cartan subgroups is subtle. Locally they are both isomorphic rank one
Cartan subgroups and look like \(S^1×{\mathbb R}^{\times }\). But, one is
\({\mathbb C}^{\times }\) and atlas
can distinguish the two.
The root systems of these intermediate Cartan subgroups also transform accordingly.
For the Compact Cartan subgroup we have an imaginary root system of type C2
atlas> set G1=Sp(4,R)
Identifier G1: RealForm
atlas> G1
Value: connected split real group with Lie algebra 'sp(4,R)'
atlas> nr_of_Cartan_classes (G1)
Value: 4
atlas> set cartans =Cartan_classes (G1)
Identifier cartans: [CartanClass] (hiding previous one of type [CartanClass])
atlas> print_Cartan_info (cartans[0])
compact: 2, complex: 0, split: 0
canonical twisted involution: e
twisted involution orbit size: 1; fiber size: 4; strong inv: 4
imaginary root system: C2
real root system: empty
complex factor: empty
Now for the most split Cartan subgroup, the last one, all of the roots are real:
atlas> print_Cartan_info (cartans[3])
compact: 0, complex: 0, split: 2
canonical twisted involution: 2,1,2,1
twisted involution orbit size: 1; fiber size: 1; strong inv: 1
imaginary root system: empty
real root system: C2
complex factor: empty
For the complex intermidiate Cartan subgroup, we have an imaginary root system and a real root system, both of type A1
atlas> cartans[1]
Value: Cartan class #1, occurring for 2 real forms and for 1 dual real form
atlas> print_Cartan_info (cartans[1])
compact: 0, complex: 1, split: 0
canonical twisted involution: 2,1,2
twisted involution orbit size: 2; fiber size: 1; strong inv: 2
imaginary root system: A1
real root system: A1
complex factor: empty
Lastly, the other intermidiate Cartan subgroup has also an imaginary and a real root system of type A1
atlas> cartans[2]
Value: Cartan class #2, occurring for 1 real form and for 2 dual real forms
atlas> print_Cartan_info (cartans[2])
compact: 1, complex: 0, split: 1
canonical twisted involution: 1,2,1
twisted involution orbit size: 2; fiber size: 2; strong inv: 4
imaginary root system: A1
real root system: A1
complex factor: empty
So the distinction between these last two is burried in the extra information. More about this later.