#include <constants.h>
const unsigned long atlas::constants::baseBits = ~posBits |
static |
unsigned long atlas::constants::bitMask |
static |
const unsigned atlas::constants::charBits = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::digits |
static |
unsigned char atlas::constants::firstbit |
static |
const unsigned long atlas::constants::firstCharMask = (1ul << charBits) - 1 |
static |
const unsigned long atlas::constants::hiBit = 1ul << (longBits - 1) |
static |
unsigned char atlas::constants::lastbit |
static |
unsigned long atlas::constants::leqMask |
static |
unsigned long atlas::constants::lMask |
static |
const unsigned atlas::constants::longBits = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits |
static |
const unsigned long atlas::constants::posBits = longBits - 1 |
static |
const size_t atlas::constants::RANK_MAX = 32 |
static |
Implementation bound on rank of reductive group, used to allow working with fixed-size bit-arrays or char-arrays. Should (probably) be a power of 2, not exceeding 128 (assumption in Weyl group implementation).
const unsigned atlas::constants::sizeBits = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::digits |
static |
const unsigned char atlas::constants::ucharMax = ~0 |
static |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:
- /home/ran/atlas_project/latest_branch_07182016/sources/utilities/constants.h
- /home/ran/atlas_project/latest_branch_07182016/sources/utilities/constants.cpp