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#include <kl.h>
Public Member Functions | |
KLContext (const Block_base &) | |
PrimitiveRow | extremalRow (BlockElt y) const |
PrimitiveRow | primitiveRow (BlockElt y) const |
bool | isZero (const KLIndex p) const |
KLPolRef | klPol (BlockElt x, BlockElt y) const |
Returns the Kazhdan-Lusztig-Vogan polynomial $P_{x,y}$. More... | |
KLIndex | KL_pol_index (BlockElt x, BlockElt y) const |
const KLRow & | klRow (BlockElt y) const |
MuCoeff | mu (BlockElt x, BlockElt y) const |
Returns mu(x,y). More... | |
const MuRow & | muRow (BlockElt y) const |
const KLStore & | polStore () const |
BitMap | primMap (BlockElt y) const |
void | fill (BlockElt y, bool verbose=true) |
Fills (or extends) the KL- and mu-lists. More... | |
void | fill (bool verbose=true) |
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KLSupport (const Block_base &) | |
void | swap (KLSupport &) |
const Block_base & | block () const |
size_t | rank () const |
size_t | size () const |
size_t | length (BlockElt z) const |
BlockElt | lengthLess (size_t l) const |
BlockElt | cross (size_t s, BlockElt z) const |
BlockEltPair | cayley (size_t s, BlockElt z) const |
DescentStatus::Value | descentValue (size_t s, BlockElt z) const |
const DescentStatus & | descent (BlockElt y) const |
const RankFlags & | descentSet (BlockElt z) const |
const RankFlags & | goodAscentSet (BlockElt z) const |
unsigned int | ascent_descent (BlockElt x, BlockElt y) const |
unsigned int | good_ascent_descent (BlockElt x, BlockElt y) const |
unsigned int | prim_index (BlockElt x, const RankFlags &descent_set) const |
unsigned int | self_index (BlockElt y) const |
void | filter_extremal (BitMap &, const RankFlags &) const |
: Flags in b those block elements which are extremal w.r.t. the simple reflections in d. More... | |
void | filter_primitive (BitMap &, const RankFlags &) const |
void | fill () |
void | fillDownsets () |
Fills in the |downset|, |primset|, |descents| and |goodAscent| bitmap/set vectors. Here |downset| and |primset| are vectors indexed by a simple reflection |s|, and giving a bitmap over all block elements, while |descents| and |goodAscent| are vectors indexed by a block element |z| and giving a bitset over all simple reflections. This difference is motivated by their use: |downset| and |primset| are used to filter bitmaps over the entire block according to some set of simple generators, which is easier if the data is grouped by generator. In fact the data computed is stored twice: one always has |downset[s].isMember(z) == descents[z].test(s)| and |primset[s].isMember(z) != good_ascent[z].test(s)|. More... | |
void | fillPrimitivize () |
Private Types | |
enum | { d_zero = 0, d_one = 1 } |
typedef HashTable< KLPolEntry, KLIndex > | KLHash |
Private Member Functions | |
KLContext (const KLContext &) | |
KLContext & | operator= (const KLContext &) |
weyl::Generator | firstDirectRecursion (BlockElt y) const |
Returns the first descent generator that is not real type II. More... | |
weyl::Generator | first_nice_and_real (BlockElt x, BlockElt y) const |
std::pair< weyl::Generator, weyl::Generator > | first_endgame_pair (BlockElt x, BlockElt y) const |
BlockEltPair | inverseCayley (size_t s, BlockElt y) const |
std::set< BlockElt > | down_set (BlockElt y) const |
KLPolRef | klPol (BlockElt x, BlockElt y, KLRow::const_iterator klv, PrimitiveRow::const_iterator p_begin, PrimitiveRow::const_iterator p_end) const |
void | silent_fill (BlockElt last_y) |
void | verbose_fill (BlockElt last_y) |
void | fillKLRow (BlockElt y, KLHash &hash) |
Fills in the row for y in the KL-table. More... | |
void | recursionRow (std::vector< KLPol > &klv, const PrimitiveRow &e, BlockElt y, size_t s) |
Puts into klv the right-hand side of the recursion formula for y corresponding to the descent s. More... | |
void | muCorrection (std::vector< KLPol > &klv, const PrimitiveRow &e, BlockElt y, size_t s) |
Subtracts from all polynomials in |klv| the correcting terms in the K-L recursion. More... | |
void | complete_primitives (const std::vector< KLPol > &klv, const PrimitiveRow &e, BlockElt y, KLHash &hash) |
void | newRecursionRow (KLRow &klv, const PrimitiveRow &pr, BlockElt y, KLHash &hash) |
KLPol | muNewFormula (BlockElt x, BlockElt y, size_t s, const MuRow &muy) |
Stores into |klv[j]| the $$-sum appearing a new K-L recursion. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
BlockElt | fill_limit |
std::vector< KLRow > | d_kl |
std::vector< MuRow > | d_mu |
Entry d_mu[y] is a MuRow, which has parallel vectors for x and mu(x,y) More... | |
KLStore | d_store |
private |
private |
atlas::kl::KLContext::KLContext | ( | const Block_base & | b | ) |
private |
PrimitiveRow atlas::kl::KLContext::extremalRow | ( | BlockElt | y | ) | const |
Fills (or extends) the KL- and mu-lists.
inline |
Fills in the row for y in the KL-table.
Precondition: all lower rows have been filled
Row of $y$ is the set of all $P_{x,y}$ for $x<y$; actually more like a column
private |
private |
private |
Returns the first descent generator that is not real type II.
Explanation: these are the ones that give a direct recursion formula for the K-L basis element. Explicitly, we search for a generator |s| such that |descentValue(s,y)| is either |DescentStatus::ComplexDescent| or |DescentStatus::RealTypeI|. If no such generator exists, we return |rank()|.
inlineprivate |
inline |
Returns the Kazhdan-Lusztig-Vogan polynomial $P_{x,y}$.
Precondition: row $y$ is completely computed, stored in |d_kl[y]|.
Since |d_kl| holds all polynomials for primitive pairs $(x,y)$, this is just a lookup function. Find the index |inx| of the primitivisation of |x| in the row |klr==d_kl[y]| (done in using quick lookup in |prim_index|). If this has made |inx| out of bounds (in particular if |inx==UndefBlock|) return a zero polynomial. Otherwise fetch from |klr| and |d_store|.
private |
Returns mu(x,y).
This function is not used internally. So we prefer do just use the table of KL polynomials.
private |
Subtracts from all polynomials in |klv| the correcting terms in the K-L recursion.
Precondtion: |klv| already contains, for all $x$ that are primitive w.r.t. |y| in increasing order, the terms in $P_{x,y}$ corresponding to $c_s.c_{y'}$, whery |y'| is $s.y$ if |s| is a complex descent, and |y'| is an inverse Cayley transform of |y| if |s| is real type I. The mu-table and KL-table have been filled in for elements of length < l(y).
Explanation: the recursion formula is of the form: $$ lhs = c_s.c_{y'} - {z} mu(z,y')c_z $$ where |z| runs over the elements $< y'$ such that |s| is a descent for |z|. Here $lhs$ stands for $c_y$ when |s| is a complex descent or real type I for |y|, and for $c_{y}+c_{s.y}$ when |s| is real type II; however it plays no part in this function that only subtracts $$-terms.
The element $y'$ is called |sy| in the code below.
We construct a loop over |z| first, before traversing |klv| (the test for $z<sy$ is absent, but $(z,sy)$ implies $z<sy$ (strict, as mu(sy,sy) is 0; in any case no coefficient for |sy| is stored in |d_mu[sy]|, and moreover $z=sy$ would be rejected by the descent condition). The choix have the out loop over $z$ and the inner loop over $x$ (i.e., over |klv|) allows fetching $(z,sy)$ only once, and terminating each scan of |klv| once its values |x| become too large to produce a non-zero $P_{x,z}$. (In fact we stop once $l(x)=l(z)$, and separately consider the case $x=z$.) Either direction of the loop on $z$ would work, but taking it decreasing is more natural; we keep track of the index |zi| at which $x=z$ occurs, if it does.
Elements of length at least $l(sy)=l(y)-1$ on the list |e| are always rejected, so the tail of |e| never reached.
private |
Stores into |klv[j]| the $$-sum appearing a new K-L recursion.
Precondition: |pr| is the primitive row for |y|, $s$ is real nonparity for $y$ and either C+ or imaginary for $x=pr[j]$ (those are the cases for which the formula is used; the status w.r.t. $x$ is not actually used by the code), and for all $k>j$ one already has stored $P_{pr[k],y}$ in |klv[k]|.
The mu-table and KL-table have been filled in for elements of length < l(y), so that for $z<y$ we can call |klPol(x,z)|.
Explanation: the various recursion formulas involve a sum: $$ {x<z<y} mu(z,y) q^{(l(y)-l(z)+1)/2}P_{x,z} $$ where in addition to the condition given, |s| must be a descent for |z|.
We construct a loop over |z|. The test for $z<y$ is absent, but implied by $(z,y)$; the $(,y)$ information is passed in the |mu_y| argument to this method. The chosen loop order allows fetching $(z,y)$ only once, and terminating the scan of |klv| once its values |x| become too large to produce a non-zero $P_{x,z}$.
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private |
inline |
PrimitiveRow atlas::kl::KLContext::primitiveRow | ( | BlockElt | y | ) | const |
BitMap atlas::kl::KLContext::primMap | ( | BlockElt | y | ) | const |
private |
Puts into klv the right-hand side of the recursion formula for y corresponding to the descent s.
Precondition: s is either a complex, or a real type I descent for y.
Explanation: the shape of the formula is:
P_{x,y} = (c_s.c_{y1})-part - correction term
where y1 = cross(s,y) when s is complex for y, one of the two elements in inverseCayley(s,y) when s is real. The (c_s.c_{y1})-part depends on the status of x w.r.t. s (we look only at extremal x, so we know it is a descent). The correction term, coming from $ mu(z,y1)c_z$, is handled by |muCorrection|; the form of the summation depends only on |y1| (which it recomputes), but involves polynomials $P_{x,z}$ that depend on $x$ as well.
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private |
private |
private |
Entry d_mu[y] is a MuRow, which has parallel vectors for x and mu(x,y)
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private |